The first Kick Off Meeting within the framework of Grundtvig project „A Sound Mind in A Sound Body” took place in Estonia, October 15-20, 2008
Participants from Poland: Monika Błażewicz-Kurzawa – Academy of Management in Łódź (partner of the project) and Karolina Gorzędowska, psychologist, person who will be running the courses with our beneficiaries.
From Turkey: Mahmut Okcesiz, Nermin Akar, Canan Dincer, Selma Keles, Melek Onut, Muzeyyen Karadag, Nuran Kaslioglu
From Estonia (hosts): Miia Pallase, Ene-Mall Vernik-Tuubel, Ene Kelder, Silvia Mägi, Aare Matt (local municipality), Peeter Kangur, Sirje Kasemets
Description of the activities during the meeting:
On Thursday, October 16th the official meeting began
- Official opening – Mrs Miia Pallase the headmistress of Pyhajarve school
- Project meeting
- Getting to know each other. Presentation of the guests and the other institutions involved, presentation of the hosting organisation - Pyhajarve Rahvakool (ppt, CD-ROM, video). We had a chance to learn about history, the background and activities of our partners.
- Afternoon visit in Otepaa. Free time, exploring the town.
Friday, October 17th
- Discussion about the project.
- Lecture HEALTHY EATING by Professor M.D. Mai Maser
- Estonian national dances performed by Grannies folkdance group Vesiroos
- Nordic walking with P.E teacher Maret Rogenbaum
Saturday, October 18th
- Culture program
- Bus trip to Tartu, University campus.
- Guided trip in Tartu (guide: Ene Kelder)
- Estonian National Museum (Silvia Magi)
- Free time in Tartu
- Back to Otepaa and then short walk to the Nuustaku Pub for Good-bye party. Evening meal, live music band, dancing.
Sunday, October 19th
- Guided tour of South Estonia (Estonia+Poland);
- Tallinn, capital city, and guided tour of Tallinn, staying for the night there (Turkey)
Monday, October 20th
- Leaving Estonia
