The third Project meeting took place in Estonia. We called it “Summer Camp” because in the Project we focused on physical activity. Our participants actively took part in physical exercises outdoors and they had a chance to learn how important it is to spend time actively, they learnt a lot about Estonian sauna, swimming and walking.
Dates: 5-10 of August 2009
From Poland: Monika Błażewicz-Kurzawa, Marta Kędzia, Teresa Nielepkowicz, Anna Lewa, Romualda Dąbrowska, Krystyna Brzozowska
From Turkey: Mahmut Okcesiz, Nermin Akar, Sensen Kurtboylu, Mualla Saracoglu
From Estonia (host): Liis Fedossejeva, Mairi Järviste, Sirje Kasemets, Ene Kelder, Maaja Laasik, Silvia Mägi, Meelis Mälberg, Sirje Möldre, Enla Odamus, Maela Peetsmann, Pille Saan, Külli Teearu, Ene Mall Vernik Tuubel, Urmas Tuubel, Riina Vipper, Kaarel Vipper, Tiiu Vutt, Aili Konts, Koidula Rähni, Ülo Plotnik
Daily schedule
05.08.2009 – 10.08.2009 Otepää, Estonia
- Reception by Mr Meelis Malberg, the Mayor of Otepaa
- Filmshow „Water”
- Free time in Otepää, guided tour
- Water aerobics classes at Pyhajarve Spa given by an experienced teacher Enla Odamus.
- Welcome Party to all participants at Lutsu guest house
- Power point presentation ESTONIAN SAUNA TRADITIONS by Ene Kelder
- Transportation by cars or bikes to the Nordic Walking practice area (3 km)
- Visit to an old Estonian smoke sauna. Dinner with Estonian families (3 groups)
- Guided tour of Pokumaa-Pokuland, place of work and life of a famous Estonian artist Edgara Valtera. Walking trip and visit to Poku Centre
- Trip to Nõiariik, on the way we had a chance to see the oldest and biggest Estonian oak tree.
- Visit to an Estonian sauna.
- Guided tour of Sangaste Castle – life and achievements of Duke Friedrich Magnus v. Berg
- Dinner in Sangaste Rukkimaja Restaurant. Certifications.
9.09. 2009
- Turkish partners leaving for Tallin
- Polish partners leaving by bus – on the way a tour of south Estonia.